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Rolfs Z., Solntsev S.K, Shortreed M.R, Frey B.L, Smith L.M.  2018.  Global Identification of Post-Translationally Spliced Peptides with Neo-Fusion. Journal of Proteome Research. 18(1):349-358.
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Rolfs Z., Millikin R.J, Smith L.M.  2020.  An Algorithm to Improve the Speed of Semi and Non-specific Enzyme Searches in Proteomics. Current Bioinformatics. 15:1065-1074.
Rolfs Z., Solntsev S.K, Shortreed M.R, Frey B.L, Smith L.M.  2019.  Global Identification of Post-Translationally Spliced Peptides with Neo-Fusion. Journal of Proteome Research. 18:349-358.
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Schaffer L.V, Shortreed M.R, Cesnik A.J, Frey B.L, Solntsev S.K, Scalf M., Smith L.M.  2018.  Expanding Proteoform Identifications in Top-Down Proteomic Analyses by Constructing Proteoform Families. Analytical Chemistry. 90:1325-1333.
Schaffer L.V, Rensvold J.W, Shortreed M.R, Cesnik A.J, Jochem A., Scalf M., Frey B.L, Pagliarini D.J, Smith L.M.  2018.  Identification and quantification of murine mitochondrial proteoforms using an integrated top-down and intact-mass strategy. Journal of Proteome Research. 17(10):3526-3536.
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Schaffer L.V, Millikin R.J, Shortreed M.R, Scalf M., Smith L.M.  2020.  Improving Proteoform Identifications in Complex Systems Through Integration of Bottom-Up and Top-Down Data. Journal of Proteome Research. 19:3510-3517.
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